
Sermon Notes for Kids (pdf) – This printable sheet gives kids some fun, interactive ways to follow along during the worship service and stretch their creative muscles.

Children’s Bulletins – The company which provides our weekly children’s bulletins has compiled several worksheets and resources for parents and churches.

Books we love

Short, 3–4 page vignettes of accounts from the Old and New Testaments. Best for ages 4+

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Stunningly illustrated narrative of Jesus' life.

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One-page devotionals that connect Jesus’ love to everyday life.

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Slugs and Bugs: Sing the Bible ( – Children’s music that isn’t annoying.


The Bible Project ( – excellent not only for children, but for parents too. Excellent video content that helps you understand books, themes, and characters in the Bible.

We use The Gospel Project as our children’s curriculum. Here is their three minute Easter Video.